Have you ever felt
exhausted after working at your desk for eight hours? And then to make it
worse, when you tell someone how tired you are, they answer in amazement, “How
can you be tired? All you did was sit at your desk all day?”
Now that I am older
and perhaps wiser, it’s easier to resist the urge to give those people a very
loud piece of my mind. More importantly, I realize that energy is not as simple
as scientists might suggest, especially when it comes to people. It is more
than a unit of work; it is more than the thing that runs my laptop. It is one
of the main things that make writers write, and often, prevents them from
At work, my most
energetic moments came as I sat still, eyes transfixed to the screen. The
office lights around me would go into energy-saving mode because nothing had
moved in ten minutes. Dust would settle around me. Coworkers would wonder if I
was comatose, yet my mind burned through energy at an alarmingly high rate. And
at the end of all that motionless work, I would get up, walk a lap around the
floor, type up what I had worked on, and regain my energy. Yes – my stillness
used energy, my motion restored it.
Even though this
defies everything we learned about thermodynamics, it makes sense because this
is about personal energy. We are neither batteries nor computers, but beings
made of contradictions who can find peace in the chaos, who can seek patterns
in nature, and who can somehow fall asleep during The Avengers (I’ve seen it
So as a writer, in
order to find our energy we first have to ask, “What gives me that energy?”
Chances are, it’s not always writing. More than likely, we have a few activities
that bring us joy and contentment, and by doing those, we build up our ability
to do other things. Obvious ones might be working out, taking a drive, calling
a friend, or a little time on FaceBook (those candies won’t crush themselves).
However, these activities are unique to every person, and what works for
someone might not work for another.
This is where we go
back to “the process.” In the last post, I talked about exploring the process
as a way to figure out how to make time to write. Well, the same applies to
energy. Our job as writers is to first understand ourselves. In developing “the
process,” we discover those things that really charge our batteries, then use
them to give us what it takes to start writing. This will become particularly
important when we are not in the mood to write.
When we first ask
ourselves, “What gives me that energy,” we can start with simple questions that
inform us about how we write: Do I need to be calm to write? Is day or night
better? In an empty house? People-watching at Starbucks? Music in the
background? Once these questions inform us about how we prefer to write, we can
then think about what it takes to get us from where we are to where we need to
be. Eventually, we start to see how our process can help us write regularly,
and how we can get more out of the time we spend on the keyboard.
– And for those who
were wondering, this post was written in the main floor of the Chicago Cultural
Center, early afternoon, among twenty people all quietly enjoying a late lunch
and with no idea that I am about to write a short story about them. That’s part
of my process.
Catching back up with the blog ... slow down, will you :p
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